Saturday, November 13, 2010

Anub'rekhan, The Lord of the Parlor

"I hear little hearts beating... come closer now... just a little taste will do."

Anub’rekhan (Ah-nube-reh-kahn): A Nerubian crypt lord and subordinate of Anub’arak. This wretched, hulking insect bears little difference to the appearance of any other crypt lord, but each one bears his own personality and with it the idiosyncratic habits that give rise to his infamy. Anub’rekhan is no divergence from this pattern. Residing in his own chambers in Naxxramas, he refers to his massive dwelling place as his “parlor.” Nerubian architecture dominates the chamber, replete with artifacts, tables, chairs, and a throne which his girth rests upon. A moat of plagued fluid hems his square chamber in on three sides, the fourth side bearing a door that locks at his command. The “parlor” bears an unusually high ceiling, allowing for Anub’rekhan’s voice to resonate throughout the place. Using this to his sickly advantage, he welcomes intruders through his gates before he begins his offensive. Certain happenings within the Parlor are often left unspoken by the mortal races, the despicable nature of them unfit for common conversation. Anub’rekhan is best described as sadistic; his revels in inflicting pain, in torturing, and in sexually abusing his victims. His various proboscis and needle-like appendages are well suited for his disgusting desires. He is often accompanied by two female Nerubian consorts who satisfy his desires as well as aid in his torturing of intruders. If they are slain in the course of struggle, Anub’rekhan will immediately cease the games of cat-and-mouse that he plays with his victims and will frenzy. At this point he will be nigh unto impossible to detain. He is intricate and systematic in his torture methods, invading the orifices, quartering limbs slowly, or unleashing hosts of hungry scarabs to feed upon his opponents.

Ultimate Power: Utter Devour—As Anub’rekhan grows tired of pursuing his prey, he will cease the hunt and take his victims into his barbed mouth to grind their flesh to tiny shreds and scraps.

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