"All who trespass here are doomed." Kel'thuzad
The Four Horsemen: Grand champions of Kel’thuzad’s legions, this select group are the Honor Guard of Naxxramas. Each knight bears a colored suit of armor, symbolically representing the Tetragraph of Kel’thuzad’s infamous work, Scourge. Sir Zeliek the White Rider of Conquest represents the “already-but-not-yet” mentality of Scourge dominance. Lady Blaumeux the Black Rider of Pestilence represents the pervasive, all encompassing effect of the Scourge. Thane Kor’thazz the Pale Rider of Death represents the consummation of the Lich King’s design. Finally, Highlord Alexandros Mograine the Red Rider of War who represents the heart of the Lich King. Each Horseman bears an intrinsic Mark which they place upon their opponents. The utterly evil nature of these creations exudes like an aura upon those who intrude upon their chambers. As battle wages, the Marks increase in strength and deliver powerful afflictions to the Mark Bearers.
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