"You have only taken one step closer to the abyss." Kel'thuzad
Gluth (Glooth): Gluth is a creature terrible to behold. The first of his kind, Gluth is a Scourge Canine. Created in a similar fashion as the Abominations, Gluth is a composition of a vast number of creatures. Gluth is a prototype to what could be called Scourge Beasts. Like a canine, Gluth is quadrapedal, bears incredibly muscular legs, and a powerful jaw. Standing over ten feet tall from his paws to the top of his head, Gluth is a terribly formidable creature. Gluth’s paws are set with serrated nails, grown and honed to lethal qualities. The nails are not incredibly sharp, but serve for gripping and pinning prey to the floor of his blood stained chambers. Like a domestic canine playing with its master, Gluth will pounce and hold down his prey. Instead of producing affectionate kisses and licks, Gluth’s savage temper will lead his quarry unto a grizzly death. Gluth’s most noticeable feature is his jaw. The Scourge Canine’s lower jaw is completely made of metal. Hardened sarronite composes the mandible of the creature, set with pneumatic hinges engineered to clamp with such a force as to sever a building from its foundation. The havoc and devastation that it inflicts upon flesh is unimaginable. Notched with blunted “teeth” the metallic bite of Gluth is impossible to live through. Prey are ground and crushed into chunks and bits, morsels for the ravenous beast. Gluth bears an inherent weakness however, as he is a prototype. Gluth’s organic makeup is such that it requires an almost constant supply of sustenance for him to remain combat effective. If his appetite is not slaked, he will become sluggish and lethargic. If he goes long enough without food, he will be induced into a coma. Swift foes can avert his bite long enough to slow him down and ultimately stop him totally. The engineers of the Scourge have crafted a set of tunnels and passage ways that force zombies and ghouls into Gluth’s chamber should the need arise. Small cadres of zombies are placed into his chamber periodically to keep him from falling asleep. When engaged in combat, however, legions of zombies are unleashed into his chamber, their sole purpose to fuel his hunger. These walking bits of food are infused with a powerful performance enhancing drug that causes Gluth to frenzy. Enough food in his stomach will make him utterly unstoppable. Gluth is not incredibly quick footed, but he is not nearly as slow as he might seem. This he uses to his advantage as he stalks and jumps on his prey. None enter Gluth’s chamber save those with a death wish; he eats anything he sees. Only Kel’thuzad and the highest agents of the Scourge can pacify him.
Ultimate Power: Glancing Bite—Gluth will dispatch of numerous foes, and thus increase his energy level, by turning his head to an unnatural degree measure. With his jaw completely upright, he will rush and clamp down with undeterred strength on his enemies, reducing them to mere puddles of gore and blood in his mouth.
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