Minions! Servants! Soldiers of the Cold Dark! Obey the call of Kel'thuzad...
The clarion call of the servile fiends of the archlich, Kel’thuzad.
These are his most feared:
-Spider Wing-
Grand Widow Faerlina
-Abomination Wing-
-Plague Wing-
Noth the Plaguebringer
Heigan the Unclean
-Military Wing-
Instructor Razuvius
Gothik the Harvester
The Four Horsemen
-Sapphiron's Lair-
These names bear an unremitting stench in the nostrils of the servants of righteousness. Each one is an abominable creature whose life must be put to an end by the stalwart champions of the Argent Dawn. The corridors of Naxxramas are opened; only fools dare to enter...
Quadrivium Abominibilis (Patchwerk, Grobbulus, Gluth, Thaddius) is the first sect of Naxxramas that mocks the innocence and sanctity of life. It is this branch of Scourge Doctrine that Kel'thuzad calls the most primitive, yet most foundational section of Doctrine. Without it, the Scourge has no objective.
Trivium Animalis (Anub'rekhan, Maexxna, Loatheb) is the second sect of Naxxramas that is testament to the far-reaching potential for the Scourge to devour all life. Kel'thuzad deems this second in the books of Scourge Doctrine, having its foundation upon Quadrivium Abominibilis. When the sanctity of life is abased, none escape the arms of the Lich King.
Quadrivium Necromanticus (Faerlina, Noth, Heigan, Gothik) is the third sect of Naxxramas. Necromanticus is the stage of Scourge Doctrine that acts as an emulsion of Animalis and its antithesis, Life. The transcendence of Necromanticus as a Doctrine is not to be dealt with dismissively; it is the portion of Scourge Doctrine that puts in practice what is laid forth in Abominibilis and Animalis.
Quadrivium Bellum (The Four Horsemen) is the fourth sect of Naxxramas. Bellum is the Doctrine of inevitability. When Necromanticus is applied, the antithesis of Animalis(Life) bears the intrinsic reaction of backlash. Bellum is the Doctrine of the Scourge that was made possible with the fusion of Arthas and Ner'zhul.
These are the iterations of Kel'thuzad, Archlich
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