Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grand Widow Faerlina, Avatar of the Spider Queen

"Kneel before me, wretch!"

Grand Widow Faerlina (Far-leen-ah): The Grand Widow is a devil of she-devils. Boasting an utterly awful relation with Anub’rekhan, she is often to be found in Anub’rekhan’s Parlor, willingly subjecting herself to the sexual advances of the great beast. Her lust for relations with the great Nerubian is a result of her being the avatar of the guardian of the Spider Wing, Maexxna. Her humanoid form boasts the beauty of the most ravishing temptress, a supple figure, auburn hair coming to her shoulders, emerald eyes, and tanned skin. She sports also the Plagueheart Regalia, a set of robes blessed with necromantic power by Kel’thuzad. Faerlina is one of the four Grand Necromancers of Naxxramas, the colleague of Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, and Gothik the Harvester. The three men often poke fun at her relationship to her spiders, her acolytes and Anub’rekhan, but she is sharp as her fangs and is capable of jesting in return. Mentioned above are her acolytes. Faerlina’s offensive strategy is to fight alongside a coven of trained acolytes, her mind slaves. Subordinating the acolytes with her mind, a select number of the Cult of the Damned, she empowers them as they defend her. Her body is frail but her powers are to be feared. The acolytes hold down their prey while Faerlina rains fire upon the intruders, incinerating both the acolyte and his quarry. Her fire is wrathful and potent, increased in power by the armor she wears. She bears also a wicked runeblade, which she uses to carve the flesh and souls of her opponents. Often the acolytes will flank a single opponent and hold him while Faerlina acquaints the flesh of her victim with the scarring, plague infused blade. She is terribly wicked and her unfair combat tactics make her a formidable foe. She does not particularly seek lichdom but an entirely new office that Kel’thuzad has convened with her about: Grand Inquisitor. Her skills with the blade and her select group of servants would allow her to easily target, capture and torture the particularly troublesome members of the Argent Dawn.

Ultimate Power: Frenzy—Should an acolyte fall while her mind powers are in effect, this will induce an unstoppable rage within Faerlina, in which her haste and the power of her fire spells will increase to untold levels of potency. Any attempt to stop her will only incite within her a greater ferocity.

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