Saturday, November 20, 2010

Razuvious, the Instructor

"You disappoint me..."

Instructor Razuvious (Reh-zhoo-vee-us): Of all the greatest champions of the Lich King, many if not most fall into the category of Death Knight. The task of the Military Quarter in Naxxramas is to train the forward marching infantry of the Scourge, the tactical operatives that command the grunts (Ghouls, Skeletons, Abominations, etc.) and lead the charges against the mortal races. Heading up the grand and laborious task of training these operatives is Razuvious, also known as the Instructor. Razuvious is an incredibly cruel yet unimaginably effective trainer whose methods create the most feared of the Lich King’s agents. The legions of Acherus are the direct trainees of Razuvious’ methods and he frequents the necropolis when not training his soldiers in Naxxramas. Sporting a full suit of armor forged from the icy bases of Icecrown Citadel itself, Razuvious is nearly impervious to physical damage. His combat prowess is on the same levels as Highlord Mograine of the Scarlet Crusade and Korfaxx Champion of the Argent Dawn. He often spars with the Four Horsemen, choosing to engage all four at once and even holding his own! His abilities with any physical weaponry make him an extremely dangerous foe and his Scourge only increases the limits to which he can push himself. It is said that only the Death Knight acolytes can truly withstand his crushing strength, and even they buckle easily beneath his hand. His primary tool of destruction is his trusted runeblade, not atypical to a Death Knight. With it he channels the power of the Deadly Triumvirate, the runes of Blood, Frost, and Unholy power. Unlike his trainees who devote themselves to the mastery of one particular school of Runic Power, Razuvious has mastered all three. It is this incredible feat that gave him favor in the eyes of the archlich. Kel’thuzad was pleased to employ him in the service of training his warriors. With his runeblade, Razuvious wreaks unearthly havoc upon his foes. His potency with the blade and his knowledge of physical combat and defense allows him to pinpoint weaknesses in an enemy almost instantly. He has decapitated and dismembered foes on a record that rivals even Thaddius’ unholy reign of terror. Rumor has it that he is being employed by the Lich King to train the most deadly warrior that Azeroth has ever known.

Ultimate Power—Cleave: A favorite offensive maneuver of many warrior-type classes, Razuvious’ technique bears little difference to the norm. With his wicked blade he will enact a sweeping, arc of destruction; where the angle of the arc hits its target is where that target will be severed in two.

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