"I have no choice but to submit!"
Sir Zeliek (Zel-ee-ek): A Paladin by class in his former life, Sir Zeliek wields the power of the Light. Zeliek has proven to be a difficult soul to break by Kel’thuzad. Because of his stubbornness, he is the weakest of the Four Horsemen, gifted least by the Lich King. A formidable combatant nonetheless, Zeliek’s body fights voraciously for the Scourge while his mind and emotions betray his members. Donning a suit of shimmering white-silver, Zeliek is capped with a diadem of hardened diamond, bearing two wings of victory on each side. Zeliek’s skeletal charger is adorned with jewels and white dressings; all symbolic of the Scourge’s immanent victory over the mortal races. His ability to harness the potency of the Light is of particular use to Kel’thuzad; it is his ace in the hole. The crusaders of the Argent Dawn will not expect to be beset with attacks of Light magic, and will be duly unprepared to face Sir Zeliek. Above all, Zeliek is the sad testimony of the dominance of the Scourge and the unrelenting assault of the Lich King’s forces. Zeliek will often confuse his opponents as his voice and emotions cry out for his foes to flee his attacks. Inexperienced crusaders fall easily before Zeiliek’s flanged morning-star.
The Mark of Zeliek: Zeliek’s Mark is a burning sensation that increases over time. The twisted power of the Light that pours from his being breaks and flays the souls of his foes.
Ultimate Power: Holy Wrath—Though a stubborn soul, Zeliek’s spirit will eventually collapse under Kel’thuzad’s pressure if battle goes on too long. As his body tears and slaughters his enemies, his soul will not be able to bear the pain. Once Zeliek the Paladin succumbs to Zeliek the Death Knight (for a short while), he unleash Holy Wrath. This spell is a massive explosion of holy energies in intense proportion. Those caught in the blast will be consumed or severely burned by the last vestige of a Paladin’s power turned to evil.
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