"Your flesh will do the delights of the starved worms"
Grobbulus (Grob-yu-luss): Grobbulus happens to be one of the most wretched creations of Kel’thuzad. While plundering the souls from the conquered forest trolls in the Eastern Plaguelands, Kel’thuzad made contact with a number of trolls of awful demeanor. The souls of sadists, serial killers, and predators of all kinds were eager to enlist in the ranks of the Scourge. Of course these trolls were utterly mad, as no troll would ever truly desire to be subjugated by another people. The insanity and wickedness of these trolls were great fuel for the creature called Grobbulus. Composed of cold machinery, pulsing flesh, and devilish souls, Grobbulus is a truly terrible creature. Grobbulus is, perhaps, the height of Scourge bioengineering. Grobbulus stands as the capstone of the fusion between machinery and flesh in Naxxramas. Standing nearly ten feet tall, Grobbulus is a regular giant compared to the mortal races. His lower torso and legs are armored by thick plates of sarronite. Upon his chest and filling the chest cavity is a tank of Scourge Serum, the concentrated form of the Plague that was spread upon Lordaeron. The Serum is incredibly lethal to mortal flesh and will react potently with the cells on living creatures. This tank of fluid in his chest is linked by a series of tubes to a set of cylindrical tanks on his back. These tanks mix the Serum with compressed air and are in turn linked to the massive syringe on his right arm. This syringe is his main form of offensive combat. Using the tanks on his back, he is able to expunge bursts of Scourge Serum upon his foes. Any flesh that makes contact with the liquid will rapidly deteriorate and effectively melt away. If the Serum does not make contact, whatever it does make contact with will become a festering pool of rotten liquid. The pool will not be incredibly dangerous, but the chemical reaction between the Serum and the air will produce a large, expanding cloud of toxic fumes. To breathe these fumes is to cause death almost immediately. Upon his left arm, Grobbulus bears a massive sledge where his hand should be. In effect, Grobbulus has no opposable appendages (his feet are encased in plated boots and his arms are a set of weapons). The sledge on his arm is used to bat foes away from himself or to simply crush bone in offensive maneuvering. Though his weapon of second choice, he will not hesitate to employ it if he deems it necessary or fitting to end a foe by pure blunt trauma. Grobbulus’ face bears no facial features save but a complete circle of long, yellow teeth which enclose around a large tube that links to the tanks on his back. Grobbulus, though blind, is a wicked killing machine devoid of emotion and trained simply to destroy.
Ultimate Power: Injection—Grobbulus will often use his sledge to sweep foes away in an arc while impaling a lone combatant with his syringe. He will pump the impaled foe with Scourge Serum until the now dead quarry becomes a sac of Scourge Serum and flesh. He will cast the bloated bag of rot into a gaggle of his enemies, rupturing it in the process and spilling Scourge Serum all over the others. Truly a gruesome end.
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